September 28, 2007

Shopping rant:

It's fall, a time of year I seem to always start to think about my wardrobe and my general trend of apathy about Fashion and how maybe I should at least make an effort to do something about it. It's generally a bad time of year for me to start thinking about Fashion because I can't wear any of the olives and oranges that make up the Fall Fashion Palette. I had my "colors" done, once, a million years ago; the person doing them told me I was a "true luminant summer" but I find myself gravitating to the dark blues and reds of the "winter" palette. Whatever.

After five plus years, and this past spring and summer spent installing and developing the garden, my trusty Docs are getting a little, well, worn. I suppose after 5 years of daily tromping, I might be entitled to a new pair of shoes. And I thought maybe I'd attempt to branch out. Try some alternative shoe that might be a little less... utilitarian... than my Docs.

Macy's downtown was having a Shoe Diva event, which I mostly stumbled upon by accident. Appetizers, mock-tails, a dj spinning old Cyndi Lauper and Madonna tunes, and a "Buy $100 worth of regular priced shoes and get $25 off!" An absurd number of shoes, filling about half of the first floor, most of which had very high heels. I found one pair that (a) they had in my size, (b) did not have a spindly heel, (c) could have worked equally well with my jeans or with my "better" pants, and (d) had enough of a gripping sole that I wouldn't need to worry about falling when walking down Seattle's hills during the winter. What was it? A pair of Doc Martens.

Oh well. I tried.


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