December 05, 2003

Reading Wicked, another book which came with the house. The story is good, worth re-reading since there is so much meat in it (What is evil? Where does it come from? What about destiny? Free will? The ties of love and family and moral obligation?), there's no possible way to get it all the first time.

We went for a small evening stroll last night and ended up walking to town. When we got home, I did the math and figured we walked 7 miles. Oops.

I made my first attempts at snorkeling earlier this week, mostly just using the mask and holding my breath while looking at the fish in Lydgate Park. Very cool. We've tentatively planned to go to Poipu this weekend and practice some more. I'm hoping the clouds clear a bit for the excursion; at Lydgate it was pouring hard, cold beads of rain when we left the water, making the trip to the car a more intensely wet experience the swimming in the ocean.


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